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Lightning-fast legal answers
Thanks to our in-house AI infrastructure, Libra can resolve your legal problems within 24 hours.
No more billable hours
Save thousands on your legal bills. Libra covers all your legal needs with a simple monthly subscription.
Easy & smooth communication
Our tech-powered workflows integrate right into your tech stack, making communication a breeze.
Guaranteed quality
Every work product is reviewed by our expert legal team.
Pricing & competencies
How it works
Integrate our Libra bot into your communication tool, send a request, and our custom Libra legal AI agents and your dedicated POC will handle the processing. You'll receive a solution within 24 hours with any needed adjustments handled by our team.
About Us
At Libra, we make tools that break down the complexity of legal processes and make it as easy to interact with as natural language.
Our Team
Viktor von Essen
Co-Founder & CEO
Top-40u40-Lawyer, mass litigator.
Bo Tranberg
Co-Founder & CTO
Serial founder, launched many successful ML products.
In the news